Posts tagged with "hotel"

07. April 2017
Whether you plan to vacation, contact the public or business travel, search for travel bargains in the world, or save on business travel budgets, plan to travel abroad or China, please visit the safe, reliable, convenient Ctrip website travel reservation system online, 24 hour customer service. Ctrip quality tourism services covers a wide range of languages, including Cantonese, English, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and other services, buy cheap airline tickets, discount hotels, China train...
06. April 2017
Find amazing deals on vacation rentals, short term rentals, villas, apartments and accommodations across Asia Pacific, or rent out yours, on HomeAway.

02. June 2016
國內外旅遊自由行 精打細算的旅遊玩家通常不會選擇跟團 自由行的行程安排就需要自己安排 像交通(機票、車票),住宿(自己訂房) 總之一切都要自己來 這樣一來省下很多錢(導遊和旅行社抽佣) 自由行也可以選擇行程,不受時間催促,好好享受當地風俗民情,悠遊自在。 同時也是自我挑戰,勇於冒險的自我實現。 但是要玩的開心,就需作足功課,才不會掃興喔!